djerik / wavinsentio-ha

Home Assistant component for monitoring and administration of Wavin Sentio underfloor heating system
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Support for current air and floor temperature as extended attributes #4

Closed fedearne closed 2 years ago

fedearne commented 3 years ago

I have the room sensors with IR floor sensor and fancy to have the floor temperature logged as well.

Maybe this should be seperate sensors instead?

djerik commented 3 years ago

I dont have an IR sensor to test with. Do you know the difference between tempAirCurrent and tempCurrent?

If it is for showing all info in the same love lace card, I think I prefer extended attributes over a separate sensor, but I guess it depends on use case. How will you use the extra info?

BTW; Does the IR sensor regulate better than the non IR version? Does it in fact keep the floors less cold? I was thinking that in a newly built house, keeping the floors hot would also make the rooms hotter and that is generally not something of interest in a well insulated (too hot) house

fedearne commented 3 years ago

The Sentio system allows for regualting by floor or air temperature. I would assume that the 'tempCurrent' is reflecting the regulation mode. In my system it is equivalent to tempCurrentAir.

I honestly don't think i makes much differences in comfort, because the air temp is likely following ther floor with a little more fluctuation. I only picked to one with IR because i want to log the data and observe latency etc.

My use case is logging to InfluxDB and making charts in Grafana. HA does this automatically for all sensors. I am using "Attributes extractor" integration (via HACS) to turn attributes into sensors, that are then logged. Works works great.

Plan is to make charts that show target, floor, air and ambient temp in a chart with the heating periods highlighted. (What the Sentio app should have done).

For that i actually would like the putsde temp, which must be available via the Sentio API - do you have a ælead on that maybe? :-)
