Nice plugin to search items from array.
but there are many problems when you are using in real projects
like my array structure is like this
vm.comboitem = [ [{name:1}, {name:2}, {name:3}, ], [ {name:4}, {name:5}, {name:6}]
now i want to search name from, so i write code like this
Nice plugin to search items from array. but there are many problems when you are using in real projects like my array structure is like this
vm.comboitem = [ [{name:1}, {name:2}, {name:3}, ], [ {name:4}, {name:5}, {name:6}]
now i want to search name from, so i write code like this${ items: vm.comboitem, update: function (filteredItems) { vm.comboitem = filteredItems; }, filterProperties: 'name' });
now this is not working, no changes in output.