djflux / meza

Setup an enterprise MediaWiki server with simple commands
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Checklist of meza tags current working in Rocky/RHEL8 #6

Open djflux opened 2 years ago

djflux commented 2 years ago

Below are a list of meza tags that have completed a meza deploy monolith with no errors using the rhel8-35.x branch in this repository. This checklist will be updated once that tag is working successfully.

Tested on RHEL 8.x

Tested on Rocky 8.6

djflux commented 2 years ago

Had to update the "latest" tag because this morning Rocky published ansible-5.4 and python38 which broke meza in the middle of a deploy.

rhel8-35.x branch as of 9b44a25 updates everything EXCEPT python and ansible.

djflux commented 2 years ago

rhel8-35.x as of commit 336c3c9 runs all the way to completion.

Here are the instructions to replicate.

sudo git clone /opt/meza
cd /opt/meza
sudo git checkout rhel8-35.x
sudo bash /opt/meza/src/scripts/
sudo meza deploy monolith

Provide hostname and database password (if desired) then wait about 15-45 minutes.

Need to test on a RHEL8 installation.

Kickstart file

lang en_US
keyboard us
timezone America/Chicago --isUtc
#platform x86_64
url --url=
bootloader --append="rhgb quiet crashkernel=auto"
clearpart --all --initlabel
auth --passalgo=sha512 --useshadow
selinux --enforcing
firewall --enabled --http --ssh
firstboot --disable

%post --nochroot --log=/mnt/sysimage/var/log/ks-post.log
cat >> /mnt/sysimage/etc/profile.d/ << EOF
alias dir='ls --color -la | more'
alias vi=vim

export PS1="[\u@\h \w]\\\\$ "
djflux commented 2 years ago

Kickstart files added into rhel8-35.x branch as of commit 84647b0

djflux commented 2 years ago

Had to update the "latest" tag because this morning Rocky published ansible-5.4 and python38 which broke meza in the middle of a deploy.

rhel8-35.x branch as of 9b44a25 updates everything EXCEPT python and ansible.

As of commit As of commit 03218f2 exclusions for python38 and ansible have been placed into the dnf/yum repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d by on both Rocky and RHEL8. This change will allow ansible and python36 to be updated properly and also not update ansible to a version greater than 2.9.x.