Problem with current getUserMusicApi:
If several charts of same music get split into different pages, the game will only take the data in first page.
E.g. I have music_id 1 with level of 1 & 3, 1 has small id and 3 has big id, so they are seperated into two pages. The MASTER chart score data is ignored by the game.
Fix in this patch:
I added a select to get the music_ids, then use that as limit and offset, and fetch all the scores of those music_ids.
Also, loading data this way will cause api to broke with maxMusicCount: 300, so I changed it to 100.
One more thing:
We figured out why chunithm won't load all the scores after stored certain number of cm_user_music.
Turns out chuniApp have only 100KB of buffer for inflated (uncompressed) content.
( sub_7B4620 is the inflate function, there are several 102400 value )
If you go over that size, things will blow up.
In GitLab by @esterTion on Apr 19, 2020, 18:39
Merges chuni-getUserMusic-fix -> master
Problem with current getUserMusicApi:
If several charts of same music get split into different pages, the game will only take the data in first page.
E.g. I have music_id 1 with level of 1 & 3, 1 has small id and 3 has big id, so they are seperated into two pages. The MASTER chart score data is ignored by the game.
Fix in this patch:
I added a select to get the music_ids, then use that as limit and offset, and fetch all the scores of those music_ids.
Also, loading data this way will cause api to broke with maxMusicCount: 300, so I changed it to 100.
One more thing:
We figured out why chunithm won't load all the scores after stored certain number of cm_user_music.
Turns out chuniApp have only 100KB of buffer for inflated (uncompressed) content.
( sub_7B4620 is the inflate function, there are several 102400 value )
If you go over that size, things will blow up.