djhaled / Uiana-MapImporter

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Unreal crash when importing Jet psk #11

Closed BTipold closed 1 year ago

BTipold commented 1 year ago

Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 752] Array index out of bounds: 2489600 from an array of size 14627

UnrealEditor_UnrealPSKPSA!UPSKFactory::Import() [D:\Documents\Unreal Projects\Valorant\Plugins\UnrealPSKPSA\Source\UnrealPSKPSA\Private\PSKFactory.cpp:67] UnrealEditor_UnrealPSKPSA!UPSKFactory::FactoryCreateFile() [D:\Documents\Unreal Projects\Valorant\Plugins\UnrealPSKPSA\Source\UnrealPSKPSA\Public\PSKFactory.h:43] UnrealEditor_UnrealEd UnrealEditor_AssetTools UnrealEditor_AssetTools UnrealEditor_AssetTools UnrealEditor_AssetTools UnrealEditor_ContentBrowserAssetDataSource UnrealEditor_ContentBrowserAssetDataSource UnrealEditor_ContentBrowserAssetDataSource UnrealEditor_ContentBrowserAssetDataSource UnrealEditor_ContentBrowserAssetDataSource UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_Slate UnrealEditor_ApplicationCore UnrealEditor_ApplicationCore UnrealEditor_ApplicationCore UnrealEditor_ApplicationCore user32 user32 UnrealEditor_ApplicationCore UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor kernel32 ntdll

Versions: Unreal 5.2.1 VS 2022 Version 17.7.1

Additional information: i'm attaching a log file called "valorant.txt". I found it in saved/logs and it looks like it might contain additional callstack information: Valorant.log

BTipold commented 1 year ago

Hoping its user error 🤞

djhaled commented 1 year ago

This is not a PSK/PSA importer. Use the actual PSK/PSA importer:

BTipold commented 1 year ago

Hey sorry, to clarify, did you mean USE the PSK PSA importer (like use that plugin?) or file the issue on that github?

Ka1serM commented 1 year ago

Hey sorry, to clarify, did you mean USE the PSK PSA importer (like use that plugin?) or file the issue on that github?

The addon in this repo does not work outside of importing map meshes. This is the link to the PSK/PSA importer: Currently there are crashes with animation import in Unreal 5.2.1+, will fix when I have time.

BTipold commented 1 year ago

Thanks for clarifying.

Ka1serM commented 1 year ago

UnrealPSKPSA is fixed now fyi👍