djhi / my-nutrition

A Meteor application using Webpack, React and Redux for nutritionists who coach people.
MIT License
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Meteor middlewares as npm package #17

Open michaltakac opened 8 years ago

michaltakac commented 8 years ago

Did you consider packaging those middlewares actionTypeBuilder into NPM package?

djhi commented 8 years ago

Yes, I did. Actually, we use this pattern at work (see marmelab/javascript-boilerplate). I'll make a package out of it soon.

michaltakac commented 8 years ago

Great, I'm building Meteor boilerplate for my next projects and it's heavily inspired by my-nutrition app and this gist:

P.S.: Bookmarking javascript-boilerplate, looks good. Thank you.

Naycon commented 8 years ago

+1 for making an NPM package out of the meteor middleware. This was exactly what I was looking for.

The whole repo is fantastic for learning how to use Meteor with Redux, thanks for publishing it.

michaltakac commented 8 years ago

Would be interesting to see this repo refractored for new Meteor 1.3 folder structure, I think people using Meteor + React + Redux would benefit significantly.

djhi commented 8 years ago

@michaltakac agreed, unfortunatly, I just don't have time currently.

samylaumonier commented 8 years ago

I've been waiting a while for a package, but I finally decided to create it myself because you don't have enough time to do it.

You can find it here.

Regards, Samy

djhi commented 8 years ago

Good job ! I don't work with meteor anymore so I it would have been hard to find time for this. Thanks @samybob1 !