dji-sdk / Mobile-SDK-Android-V5

MSDK V5 Sample
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Couldn't load lib #339

Closed antonymarion closed 1 month ago

antonymarion commented 1 month ago

This ticket ( has been closed, but it seems that since last release MSDK 5.9.0 with minSDK 23 we get the "Unkown error" on startLiveStream method.

The doc tells to change the min sdk to 21 but we can't because of conflicting version:

What is the "normal solution" here to get the startLiveStream working here with last release

By the way, would you consider to merge this PR since it seems critical too


antonymarion commented 1 month ago

Ok fixed, for your information the bug appears when left part is active


So it seems that the SDK is very sensitvie to gradle and android versions

dji-dev commented 1 month ago

Agent comment from yating.liao in Zendesk ticket #107865:

The issue of users encountering exceptions on Gradle version 8 has been brought to our attention. Therefore, we would like to advise users to consider using the recommended version provided in the sample code, which is 7.4.2.

Thank you.
