dji-sdk / Mobile-SDK-Android-V5

MSDK V5 Sample
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Suggestion to remove dependency on kotlin-android-extensions in UXSDK. #343

Closed Merpyzf closed 4 weeks ago

Merpyzf commented 1 month ago

In Kotlin 1.8, Android has removed kotlin-android-extensions (this happened in 2022), while UXSDK still includes a dependency on kotlin-android-extensions. This means that I cannot use Kotlin versions greater than 1.8 in my project. If I want to use Kotlin 1.8 or above, I must manually remove kotlin-android-extensions from UXSDK (I have tried this and it can be done within half an hour. If 100 people have the same requirement, it will take 100 * 30 minutes to do this migration, which is very inconvenient. Time is precious☹️).

In 2024, most developers will choose to use Compose for UI development. The latest Compose requires Kotlin version 1.9 or above. I hope the official team can remove kotlin-android-extensions.

dji-dev commented 1 month ago

Agent comment from yating.liao in Zendesk ticket #108296:

The UXSDK component is developed based on kotlin 1.7, it indeed use kotlin-android-extensions. I understand your requirement, and I will convey it to the team, but it may not be achievable . In terms of usage, the presence of kotlin-android-extensions does not prevent you from using the UXSDK, and optimization issues of the UXSDK will have a lower priority than those of the MSDK.
