Open Salabda opened 2 years ago
Did you look into using Virtual Sticks? (See FlightController)
Not sure if it takes time input, but I believe you can set the velocity
Thanks man. I'm using virtual sticks. But that's maybe the detail that I wanted, How to also specify the time?
Hi there.
I'm planning some automation flight.
Let's say I want to move forward and left for 3m. Next, I want to move upwards for 2m. Then, I want to turn 180 degrees CCW.
How would you guys recommend to do this? I have so far been sending commands this way:
That would make the drone move forward at 1m/s for 1500miliseconds.
Is there a DJI function which can take care of the velocity and time input? Can that function be set in a chain to produce a sequence?