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Mini 2 Missing Gimbal Attitude Values in Metadata #1233

Closed brien-crean closed 1 year ago

brien-crean commented 1 year ago

Images taken with the DJI Mini 2 appear to be missing values for the gimbal attitude. I know this is more of a firmware issue but I'm wondering if there will be a firmware update to fix this issue or is there another way to get this detail from the metadata that I haven't thought of?

I used exiftool to get this information with this command:

exiftool -ee3 -U -G3:1 -api requestall=3 -api largefilesupport FILE

The gimbal was pointing down at -90 when this photo was taken but the metadata reads 0 degrees.

[XMP-drone-dji] Absolute Altitude               : +87.55
[XMP-drone-dji] Relative Altitude               : +79.40
[XMP-drone-dji] Gimbal Roll Degree              : +0.00
[XMP-drone-dji] Gimbal Yaw Degree               : +0.00
[XMP-drone-dji] Gimbal Pitch Degree             : +0.00
[XMP-drone-dji] Flight Roll Degree              : +0.60
[XMP-drone-dji] Flight Yaw Degree               : +179.90
[XMP-drone-dji] Flight Pitch Degree             : -1.60
[DJI]           Make                            : DJI
[DJI]           DJI 0x0002                      : 1 8 0 0
[DJI]           Speed X                         : +0.00
[DJI]           Speed Y                         : +0.00
[DJI]           Speed Z                         : +0.00
[DJI]           Pitch                           : -1.60 // aircraft pitch
[DJI]           Yaw                             : +179.90
[DJI]           Roll                            : +0.60
dji-dev commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from yating.liao in Zendesk ticket #84010:

Yes, the problem should be related to the firmware of the aircraft or camera. Since we don't deal with photo metadata, it is not clear what the cause of this problem is and if there is a solution. I think you can contact They will understand your query.


brien-crean commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I will reach out to

dji-dev commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from yating.liao in Zendesk ticket #84010:

The issue has been closed.
