dji-sdk / Mobile-SDK-iOS

DJI Mobile SDK for iOS:
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Record and shutter buttons state always idle #190

Open NicolasPanhaleux opened 6 years ago

NicolasPanhaleux commented 6 years ago


I'm using xcode 9.1 on iOS 11.1.2 device (iPhone 7+ / 8+), DJI mobile SDK 4.3.2, an Osmo and an Osmo mobile.

My goal is to know when the user press the record or/and the shutter button. For the Osmo, these buttons have a snapshot/record function and i can deal with it with system/media states. But for the Osmo mobile, these buttons only up the volume of the iPhone. I want to do the same functions snapshot/record in my video application.

The problem is on the Osmo mobile. I connect to the Osmo in bluetooth with a valid key and i'm succesfully registered. I cast my product as an DJIHandheld product to access the handheldController to receive buttons callbacks. I succesfully linked the handheldController(_ controller: DJIHandheldController, didUpdate state: DJIHandheldControllerHardwareState) callback cause i receive the state of the triggerButton when it's pressed. But when i press the record or shutter button, the recordAndShutterButtons state is always idle. I put logs in all cases of a switch and never saw anything else (even with breakpoints).

If you can please solve this fastly or show me what i missed it would be great :)



lijia6745 commented 5 years ago

DJIHandheldControllerHardwareState is only support by Osmo Mobile.

Did you resolve your issue with new version? if not, pls report the issue to it's the official channel to request DJI SDK support now.