I’d like get data on MSDK side using onboardSDKDevice(_ osdkDevice: DJIOnboardSDKDevice, didSendDataToMobile data: Data) but but MSDK App doesn’t receive any data despite the correct configuration for using didSendDataToMobile method as below.
From what I have seen in the logs, The OSDK App seems to be working correctly.
and I've used isOnboardSDKAvailable() to determine if the SDK has recognized the OSDK device but it's false.
I'd like to know why that method returns false and how to make OSDK available.
I’m tring to develop communication app that send data from OSDK app to MSDK app with following setup.
My development setup: Drone: Matrice 300RTK Connecter: DJI OSDK expansion module SDK: Onboard SDK 4.1.0, MSDK V4 for iOS
Tx(OSDK V4.1): vehicle->moc->sendDataToMSDK(https://developer.dji.com/onboard-api-reference/classDJI_1_1OSDK_1_1MobileDevice.html#details%EF%BC%89and)
OSDK App(Tx)
Rx(MSDK V4): OnboardSDKDevice Class(https://developer.dji.com/api-reference/ios-api/Components/FlightController/DJIFlightController.html#djiflightcontroller_onboardsdkdevice_inline)
MSDK App (Rx)
I’d like get data on MSDK side using onboardSDKDevice(_ osdkDevice: DJIOnboardSDKDevice, didSendDataToMobile data: Data) but but MSDK App doesn’t receive any data despite the correct configuration for using didSendDataToMobile method as below.
From what I have seen in the logs, The OSDK App seems to be working correctly.
and I've used isOnboardSDKAvailable() to determine if the SDK has recognized the OSDK device but it's false. I'd like to know why that method returns false and how to make OSDK available.