Closed eeroniemi closed 6 years ago
Hello @eeroniemi
When using ROS, did you call the "/dji_sdk/setup_camera_stream" service? It is necessary in order to get the image topics in ROS. See here for parameters needed by the service call.
For the main camera, remember to have your RC on with the DJI GO app.
Seems like I missed that one. After doing that I got images to ROS topics. Thanks for help @rcabg !
After launching ROS master node, I would expect images from different camers to appear on image topics but this doesn't happen. Onboard SDK code camera samples work fine.
I have been able to reproduce this problem with two computers:
Both have latest Onboard SDK's installed:
Both computers have Ubuntu 16 + ROS Kinetic. Onboard-SDK is complied with advanced sensing enabled.
How to reproduce
Connect USB and USB-TTL from M210 to your computer.
Test that camera connection works with Onboard-SDK samples:
Now I can see video stream from both FPV and main camera on my desktop screen.
Launch the DJI ROS node.
List of ROS topics:
Now when I try to output images from image topics I get no data. Tried to output images different ways:
rostopic echo /dji_sdk/fpv_camera_images
rosrun web_video_server web_video_server
and opening images on browser.With DJI M100, Onboard-SDK 3.6 and M100 X3 ROS driver ( I can see the video feed on topic