dji-sdk / Onboard-SDK-ROS

Official ROS packages for DJI onboard SDK.
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M600 [dji_sdk-2] process has died #477

Open alduxvm opened 2 years ago

alduxvm commented 2 years ago


I have an M600 with an onboard computer attach to it, the computer is running ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic. I'm currently using tag 3.8.1 of the Onboard-SDK-ROS, compilation work great, I disabled advaced_sensing, I have the proper app id and key, when launching the node, it connects to the drone but it crashes some seconds after starting... the output looks as follows:

$ roslaunch dji_sdk sdk.launch 
... logging to /home/aldux/.ros/log/8c46c216-18bc-11ec-8ca5-50eb71403eef/roslaunch-drone-13163.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://drone:39291/


 * /dji_sdk/acm_name: /dev/ttyACM0
 * /dji_sdk/align_time: False
 * /dji_sdk/app_id: 1108879
 * /dji_sdk/app_version: 1
 * /dji_sdk/baud_rate: 921600
 * /dji_sdk/enc_key: XXXX...
 * /dji_sdk/serial_name: /dev/ttyUSB0
 * /dji_sdk/use_broadcast: False
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.10

    dji_sdk (dji_sdk/dji_sdk_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [13173]

setting /run_id to 8c46c216-18bc-11ec-8ca5-50eb71403eef
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [13184]
started core service [/rosout]
process[dji_sdk-2]: started with pid [13187]

STATUS/1 @ init, L55: Attempting to open device /dev/ttyUSB0 with baudrate 921600...

STATUS/1 @ init, L65: ...Serial started successfully.

STATUS/1 @ parseDroneVersionInfo, L727: Device Serial No. = XXXXXX

STATUS/1 @ parseDroneVersionInfo, L729: Hardware = PM820V3PRO

STATUS/1 @ parseDroneVersionInfo, L730: Firmware =

ERRORLOG/1 @ initVirtualRC, L1103: Virtual RC is not supported on this platform!

STATUS/1 @ activate, L1313: version 0x302290E

STATUS/1 @ activate, L1326: Activation successful

STATUS/1 @ verify, L244: Verify subscription successful.
STATUS/1 @ initGimbal, L890: Checking if gimbal is connected ...
STATUS/1 @ startPackage, L350: Start package 0 result: 0.
STATUS/1 @ startPackage, L352: Package 0 info: freq=50, nTopics=1.

STATUS/1 @ removePackage, L468: Remove package 0 successful.[ INFO] [1631995870.001634335]: drone activated
[dji_sdk-2] process has died [pid 13187, exit code -11, cmd /home/aldux/m600_ros/devel/lib/dji_sdk/dji_sdk_node __name:=dji_sdk __log:=/home/aldux/.ros/log/8c46c216-18bc-11ec-8ca5-50eb71403eef/dji_sdk-2.log].
log file: /home/aldux/.ros/log/8c46c216-18bc-11ec-8ca5-50eb71403eef/dji_sdk-2*.log

I have several questions:

1.- How can I prevent this crash? 2.- Is tag 3.8.1 the last tag that can be used for the m600?

Thanks a lot!!

dji-dev commented 2 years ago

Agent comment from DJI SDK in Zendesk ticket #53552:

尊敬的开发者,感谢您联系DJI 大疆创新 由于github不是我们主要的咨询渠道,您的问题可能跟进不及时。我们建议您通过填写表单( )向我们反馈问题。或者您也可以在论坛发帖,与其它开发者交流。论坛链接:

Dear developer, thank you for contacting DJI. Since github is not our main consultation channel, your questions may not be followed up in time. We recommend that you fill in the form ( to report problems to us. Or you can post in the forum to communicate with other developers. Forum link:


dji-dev commented 2 years ago

Agent comment from kyle.cai in Zendesk ticket #53552:

Dear developer ,

Thank you for contacting DJI.

1、The OSDK(Linux)3.9 and OSDK-ROS 3.8 is recommended for M600.

2、About the crash, is there any code changes? I test it with the orignal demo, it works. if it is convient, please share your code.

Thank you for your understanding and support, hope you have a nice day.

Best Regards, DJI SDK Support Team


alduxvm commented 2 years ago


Thanks for the answer!

I did not modified anything from the code, I repeated my test using OSDK 3.9 (I was using 4.0) and OSDK-ROS 3.8.1... and now I get the next memory error:

ERRORLOG/1 @ getValue, L315: Topic 0x26 value memory not initialized, return default

Googling that error I found the next issue in github and I tested one of the solutions from the DJI tech people, where they attached a .tar.gz file, I download it on my computer, compile and then I tested and its working! now I can see the topics!

My conclusion is that the current committed code for ROS 3.8.1 seems to be not working.

dji-dev commented 2 years ago

Agent comment from kyle.cai in Zendesk ticket #53552:

Dear developer ,

Thank you for contacting DJI.

OK, please allow me to explain about the error:

ERRORLOG/1 @ getValue, L315: Topic 0x26 value memory not initialized, return default

It's because M600 doesn't support TOPIC: TOPIC_RTK_CONNECT_STATUS, it hasn't been initialized. If you are using RTK, please remove TOPIC.

Thank you for your understanding and support, hope you have a nice day.

Best Regards, DJI SDK Support Team


Souyu commented 2 years ago

I'm also getting the same error.M600 Pro, running OSDK 3.9 and OSDK ROS 3.8.1 Do I need to connect a gimbal in order for it to work?

... logging to /home/dji/.ros/log/fb9575d4-3b8c-11ec-a122-60601fcd6335/roslaunch-manifold2-11309.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://manifold2:44930/


 * /dji_sdk/acm_name: /dev/ttyACM0
 * /dji_sdk/align_time: False
 * /dji_sdk/app_id: 1110951
 * /dji_sdk/app_version: 1
 * /dji_sdk/baud_rate: 921600
 * /dji_sdk/enc_key: cd19ddc21d80dd04b...
 * /dji_sdk/serial_name: /dev/ttyTHS2
 * /dji_sdk/use_broadcast: False
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.17

    dji_sdk (dji_sdk/dji_sdk_node)


process[dji_sdk-1]: started with pid [11413]
[ INFO] [1635824893.424183828]: Advanced Sensing is Enabled on M210.

STATUS/1 @ init, L55: Attempting to open device /dev/ttyTHS2 with baudrate 921600...

STATUS/1 @ init, L65: ...Serial started successfully.

STATUS/1 @ parseDroneVersionInfo, L727: Device Serial No. = 0670164661

STATUS/1 @ parseDroneVersionInfo, L729: Hardware = PM820V3PRO

STATUS/1 @ parseDroneVersionInfo, L730: Firmware =

ERRORLOG/1 @ initVirtualRC, L1103: Virtual RC is not supported on this platform!

STATUS/1 @ activate, L1313: version 0x302290E

STATUS/1 @ activate, L1326: Activation successful

STATUS/1 @ verify, L244: Verify subscription successful.
STATUS/1 @ initGimbal, L890: Checking if gimbal is connected ...
STATUS/1 @ startPackage, L350: Start package 0 result: 0.
STATUS/1 @ startPackage, L352: Package 0 info: freq=50, nTopics=1.

STATUS/1 @ removePackage, L468: Remove package 0 successful.
STATUS/1 @ initGimbal, L934: Gimbal not mounted!
[ INFO] [1635824899.736292778]: drone activated
[dji_sdk-1] process has died [pid 11413, exit code -11, cmd /home/dji/Desktop/catkin_ws_3.8/devel/lib/dji_sdk/dji_sdk_node __name:=dji_sdk __log:=/home/dji/.ros/log/fb9575d4-3b8c-11ec-a122-60601fcd6335/dji_sdk-1.log].
log file: /home/dji/.ros/log/fb9575d4-3b8c-11ec-a122-60601fcd6335/dji_sdk-1*.log
alduxvm commented 2 years ago

Hi Souyu!

Try the catkin from here:

Thats how I got mine working!

Good luck!

babakbch commented 1 month ago

Hi alduxvm I am having the same problem with my dji M600 pro , I can't access the link you have shared in the last msg, so i can't see the solution. would you be so kind and share the solution? I am running dji-osdk and dji-osdk-ros both 3.8.1

alduxvm commented 1 month ago

I have a copy, it took me a while to find, but here we go! you might need to recompile and put your ID as well... let me know if it works.