dji-sdk / RoboMaster-SDK

DJI RoboMaster Python SDK and Sample Code for RoboMaster EP.
Apache License 2.0
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RM-S1是否支持 #3

Closed Just5D closed 4 years ago

Just5D commented 4 years ago

直连模式下,运行例程未能链接,提示: PS C:\Users\ou> & C:/Users/ou/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36/python.exe d:/Dev_Proj/RobotMaster/ Connecting... Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:/Dev_Proj/RobotMaster/", line 51, in main() File "d:/Dev_Proj/RobotMaster/", line 19, in main s.connect(address) ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] 由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。

grwhale-zhang commented 4 years ago

S1暂不支持。 详见

Just5D commented 4 years ago

好的 谢谢回复;可是现在RM-EP会面向零售客户吗,目前看起来都是面向中小学

grwhale-zhang commented 4 years ago

非SDK相关问题麻烦咨询 哈

elonzh commented 4 years ago

S1暂不支持。 详见


Tiang-88 commented 4 years ago


grwhale-zhang commented 4 years ago

S1暂不支持。 详见



grwhale-zhang commented 4 years ago





brunoga commented 4 years ago

I know for a fact that the S1, even at the current firmware does include at least a partial SDK implementation (in fact, I can run SDK programs on my S1 although one needs root access to enable the SDK on it). Not making it available on the S1 without the need for a hack would be an even bigger mistake than not making the EP compatible with the S1. So I would strongly suggest you consider enabling the S1 SDK support.

grwhale-zhang commented 4 years ago

I know for a fact that the S1, even at the current firmware does include at least a partial SDK implementation (in fact, I can run SDK programs on my S1 although one needs root access to enable the SDK on it). Not making it available on the S1 without the need for a hack would be an even bigger mistake than not making the EP compatible with the S1. So I would strongly suggest you consider enabling the S1 SDK support.

Thank you for your advice, we will consider it carefully. For this issue, we suggest that you report it on the, and we will contact you to deal with it.

For more information on how to upgrade S1 to EP, please pay attention to the DJI official website.