djibe / material

Material Design 2 for Bootstrap 4 (active fork of Daemonite Material)
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Checkbox Label font-size And switch component #17

Open MROALI opened 4 years ago

MROALI commented 4 years ago

Hello, I think there is some amelioration that we can do to the checkbox :


1 rem font-size for the label give this : image

Another thing that can be ameliorated is the color of the switch when validating the form. I think turn it all to green, which make us loose the visual info if the switch is on or off. Same thing if switch is disabled the visual color info is not shown. Do you have any idea what can we do ?

FYI : In the if we put the switch to disable it conserves it's color. Because the information of activation is visible only by color..

djibe commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'll investigate this

MROALI commented 4 years ago

Any news about the validation color issues for the switch component and disabled color also ?

djibe commented 4 years ago

Hi, considering, Radio label is 14px. And it is inline-flex with align-items: center

MROALI commented 4 years ago

Any news about the switch validation color fix and also disabled switch..

djibe commented 4 years ago

Hi, The disabled switch is here: And I didn't understand what was wrong with it.

MROALI commented 3 years ago

Hi, The disabled switch is here: And I didn't understand what was wrong with it. Scenario : Turn the switch on then disable it. ==> Switch must keep it's color and not transformed to gray Scénario 2 : If you validate a form which having a switch => even if the switch is off it's turning all its color to green. ==> The problem is we loose the info that the switch was off..

As I said before the information about the switch on or off is by its color so even when validating we must not put it all to green, we must keep the information (switch on / off)

djibe commented 3 years ago

Thanks for feedback. I'm on it. But Bootstrap simple markup makes it harder to set opacity on switch.