djibe / material

Material Design 2 for Bootstrap 4 (active fork of Daemonite Material)
MIT License
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Tabs Content | Fast Transitioning To Another Content Failed To Hide Previous Content #7

Open CodexLink opened 4 years ago

CodexLink commented 4 years ago

Hey there! It's been a while...

Anyway, I have this kind of issue before and I'm glad you opened the "Issues" tab on your repository. and I still don't know how to fix it yet, since I went back to see updates on your work. Though I might propose it via PR if I already know how to do it.

What's the issue? Basically, the issue here is how tabs hide their own respective content. When you did a normal content transitioning (such as "going from tab1 to tab2"), it fades out, right? From Content1 to Content2. Here in this issue, if I accidentally pressed the tab2(current tab is tab1), and pressed tab1 immediately while transitioning the content to hide. Both Content1 and Content2 will exist and therefore Content1 transitioned but failed to hide.

Here's the GIF to better understand the issue.


All of the tabs with different styles are tested and do the same thing.

Example 2 AIX0GOZlZr

Example 3 lY1nQoZRIo

How to reproduce?

Assume that your current focused tab is Tab1. And you have at least another tab called Tab2.

  1. Press Tab2
  2. While Content of Tab1 is Transitioning to Content of Tab2, press Tab1 immediately.
  3. .... Bug!

That's all for now, hope I could help further with code, management, and others :)

djibe commented 4 years ago

Thx for reporting issue. I'll try to investigate.