djipco / webmidi

Tame the Web MIDI API. Send and receive MIDI messages with ease. Control instruments with user-friendly functions (playNote, sendPitchBend, etc.). React to MIDI input with simple event listeners (noteon, pitchbend, controlchange, etc.).
Apache License 2.0
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Using WebMidi with Tauri Studio #251

Closed elmcapp closed 2 years ago

elmcapp commented 2 years ago

Tauri Studio allows us to develop software. Its an alternative to Electron web app Tauri Studio allows use to make web based apps and I wanted to use it with WebMidi. Currently it works on windows computers however on Macs it does not work. Tauri Studio uses the native browser view of the computer system and WebMidi does not work in safari. That being the issue my app is not working on Mac. Would WebMidi work with Rust, I have had success with Node js

djipco commented 2 years ago

Can you run Node.js modules in Tauri Studio ? If you can, this may be a path to a solution as WEBMIDI.js runs in Node.

WEBMIDI.js works with any engine that supports the Web MIDI API. For now, this is Node.js, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and very soon, Firefox. Apple has decided to opt out of several Web APIs over fingerprinting concerns. The Web MIDI API is one of them.

elmcapp commented 2 years ago

Currently Tauri Studio backend is Rust. Support stated that we can SideCar Js modules.

Would you have any support for the Rust programming language.

djipco commented 2 years ago

I don't have much knowledge about Tauri Studio. WEBMIDI.js is a JavaScript library, and as such, offers no explicit support for Rust.

If Tauri Studio can run Node.js modules, you should be able to use WEBMIDI.js as it also works in Node.

elmcapp commented 2 years ago

Tauri is web basic the problem is that it uses the native web view controller from the machine. So all of my Mac users can not use the software because of the issue with apple not supporting Web MIDI API. I now you stated that it will run on node js. It would be nice if Web Midi would bring support to Rust Programming language.

djipco commented 2 years ago

There are several MIDI crates for Rust already. I'm not sure what more I can bring to this environment.

djipco commented 2 years ago

As I stated, you can run WEBMIDI.js on Node.js on Mac. So, at least, there is a solution. Since there isn't much else I can do, I will close this issue. Feel free to reopen if needed.