djipco / webmidi

Tame the Web MIDI API. Send and receive MIDI messages with ease. Control instruments with user-friendly functions (playNote, sendPitchBend, etc.). React to MIDI input with simple event listeners (noteon, pitchbend, controlchange, etc.).
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Output not working on Archlinux #388

Closed sensn closed 7 months ago

sensn commented 9 months ago


I can't get Output to send events on Archlinux(Chrome/Firefox). Input works fine ,I can recieve MIDI events from attached Device, but when I use playNote or sendCC i do not recieve the events on my device. Same code on Windows works. How can I fix this?

djipco commented 9 months ago

It is very hard for me to help you since I do not have this environment to conduct tests. Are you getting errors in the console or any form of hints that may help us help you?

sensn commented 9 months ago

Midi devices show up and work. In browser console no error, pure webmidi implementation of test alsay cant send but recieve,

cat proc/asound/seq/clients 
Client   0 : "System" [Kernel Legacy]
  Port   0 : "Timer" (Rwe-) [In/Out]
  Port   1 : "Announce" (R-e-) [In]
    Connecting To: 128:0
Client  14 : "Midi Through" [Kernel Legacy]
  Port   0 : "Midi Through Port-0" (RWe-) [In/Out]
    Connecting To: 128:0
    Connected From: 129:0
Client  24 : "SAMSUNG_Android" [Kernel Legacy]
  Port   0 : "SAMSUNG_Android MIDI 1" (RWeX) [In/Out]
    Connecting To: 128:0
    Connected From: 129:1
Client 128 : "Chrome (input)" [User Legacy]
  Port   0 : "port-0" (-w--) [Out]
    Connected From: 0:1, 14:0, 24:0
  Input pool :
    Pool size          : 200
    Cells in use       : 0
    Peak cells in use  : 6
    Alloc success      : 19
    Alloc failures     : 0
Client 129 : "Chrome (output)" [User Legacy]
  Port   0 : "port-0" (r---) [In]
    Connecting To: 14:0
  Port   1 : "port-1" (r---) [In]
    Connecting To: 24:0
djipco commented 8 months ago

Could you run this code in your environment and report with the results? It sends a note on message (middle C, full velocity) to all outputs using the bare Web MIDI API:

function onMIDISuccess(midiAccess) {
  console.log("MIDI ready!");
  midiAccess.outputs.forEach(o => o.send([0x90, 60, 0x7f]));

  .then(onMIDISuccess, msg => `MIDI error: ${msg}`);
djipco commented 7 months ago

Since it's been 3 weeks and I haven't heard back, I will close this issue. @sensn Feel free to reopen if the bare Web MIDI API example from above does work in your environment.