djizco / mern-boilerplate

A Full MERN Stack Boilerplate for Web Apps including a local authentication system. Uses React, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux, Passport.js, Webpack, Testing, and more.
MIT License
266 stars 94 forks source link

Dependency conflict: mongoose #9

Closed jmprns closed 2 years ago

jmprns commented 2 years ago

OS: Xubuntu 21.04 npm: v7.22 node: v16.9.0


djizco commented 2 years ago

Yeah I'm actually aware that this package throws an error when installing, however I verified that it does still work correctly. I'm working on a different solution, but for now left it in since it still works.

mashaigra commented 2 years ago

Hi I removed this package from the package.json file and installed it manually using: npm install mongoose-auto-increment-reworked --force Now, it's working

djizco commented 2 years ago

Removed mongoose-auto-increment-reworked as it is now out of date. Replaced with @typegoose/auto-increment. This can be safely removed from new projects anyway as it is only used if you need an auto-incrementing field like I'm doing with the 'user' field that starts with 1.