djjd47130 / GitHubBackup

Simple UI for bulk downloading GitHub repositories
MIT License
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Connection Closed Gracefully in download #56

Closed djjd47130 closed 5 years ago

djjd47130 commented 5 years ago

One particular repository (private) always fails with "Connection Closed Gracefully" when downloading.

djjd47130 commented 5 years ago

Not entirely sure how to handle this. Technically, it constitutes an error. But the real reason behind why it was closed is a mystery. The downloaded file becomes unusable, so it is an error. But "Connection Closed Gracefully" is't the appropriate way to handle it.

djjd47130 commented 5 years ago

Added exception handler:

        on E: EIdConnClosedGracefully do begin
          EM:= 'The server aborted the download: '+E.Message;