djjd47130 / JD-TMDB

TMDB API Wrapper for Delphi
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Detail List Clickability #49

Open djjd47130 opened 1 month ago

djjd47130 commented 1 month ago

When viewing details of certain items in a Name/Value list format (such as Movie Details), certain items need to be clickable. As such, they shall be underlined and referenced to a click handler. This requires a new reference object to be associated with every list item which needs a click handler, since any given list item could contain totally different and unrelated data from the next.

For example, in Movie Detail, double-click a production company to open company detail, double-click the title to open alternative titles, etc.

djjd47130 commented 1 month ago

NOTE: This has been started in uContentMovieDetail.pas, but will need to be migrated to a more central common UI unit.