djokeur / merlinator

Playlist editor for the Merlin children loudspeaker from La Chouette Radio (Bayard / Radio France)
MIT License
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Can't open zip file after exporting archive #2

Open lucastucious opened 1 year ago

lucastucious commented 1 year ago

As in the title, after doing the "export archive" option, a zip file is created but not only it's very small but I can't open it..

Edit : I'm on win7, python 3.8

djokeur commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce the bug. If you can't open the zip file with Merlinator nor with Windows, then I guess the file is corrupted, which might be linked with the zip creation itself (too big/many files?). Maybe try the export with a session containing only one empty menu (it won't export a completely empty session), to see if you can at least open the zip file.