djoveryde / Contigo

Minecraft Forge Server Software implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Cauldron/MCPC/Thermos
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make Contigo load up correctly #7

Open djoveryde opened 7 years ago

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Next challenge is making the loader load up successfully. Right now it throws the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: joptsimple/OptionSpec at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) at at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main( Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: joptsimple.OptionSpec at Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ... 4 more

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

@SantaGitHub knows the solution to this as its caused from the update to Jopt

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Hm, i seem to be getting another error

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

2017-08-28 4

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Did you initially install the Forge server installer?

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

facepalm Thought it would auto do that

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Ladies and Gentelmen, the biggest forge noob 👍

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

lol, sadly not, not sure if thats to do with EULA on the minecrafts server jar or something.

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

@djoveryde Also, are you going to add Travis back (I would but i do not have the perms to do so :P )

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Never dealt with travis, how do i do this?

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

@djoveryde Well it should be as easy as going onto Travis and adding this repo to it Once you do that, then just have it trigger a custom build for an initial build

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

For JOpt issue, it should be fixed in the update (Which Santa might have to properly configure)

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Yup, I've added everything to the folders so should work although even with special source and joptsimple being set to the correct set it's still not loading. Pondering if I need to add those to the ftp as well or wether we just add a library zip with those jars in it for people to grab along with a compiled version.

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Well, it mostly is (Because its building now)

Perhaps its something in that dependency screwing up, which @SantaGitHub did say it was successfully running, but with some changes...

SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

Прошу прощения за русский язык. Скачайте с 58 версии(Thermos).

1. Затем скачайте с интернета SpecialSource-1.7.4 и Jopt-simple 5.0.1 . 2. Распакуйте libraries рядом с вашим Jar файлом. 3. В папке libraries замените SpecialSource и Jopt-simple на новые версии, а старые удалите. 4. Запускайте сервер.

Download from version 58 (Thermos).

  1. Then download from the Internet SpecialSource-1.7.4 and Jopt-simple 5.0.1.
  2. Unpack the libraries next to your Jar file.
  3. In the libraries folder, replace SpecialSource and Jopt-simple with new versions, and delete the old ones.
  4. Start the server.
SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

@djoveryde Please add this files to repo - pw.prok:Damask:0.1.2.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':bootstrap'.
> Could not resolve pw.prok:Damask:0.1.2.
  Required by:
      cyberdynecc:Thermos:1.7.10-1614.UNOFFICIAL > pw.prok:KBootstrap:0.2.0
   > Could not resolve pw.prok:Damask:0.1.2.
      > Could not get resource ''.
         > Could not GET ''.
            > The target server failed to respond
djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Done, how I missed that guy I have no idea. Let me know if there's any more

SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

To build a server + libraries, you must enter ./gradlew packageBundle.

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

While packaging the bundle for some unknown reason it switches to the local drive to find the launchwrapper jar file.. Had to manually add that in

Server directory: D:\Users\djove\Desktop\New folder\Contigo\build\bundle Downloading net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12... D:\Users\djove\Desktop\New folder\Contigo\build\bundle\bin\net\minecraft\launchwrapper\1.12\launchwrapper-1.12.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)

and another D:\Users\djove\Desktop\New folder\Contigo\build\bundle\bin\lzma\lzma\0.0.1\lzma-0.0.1.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)

They are on the repo so no idea why its not looking at it to grab the files

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

I've made a release for this version along with downloadable library zip

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

I've added it to travis now, build is failing however with:

symbol: variable set location: class OreDictionary /home/travis/build/djoveryde/Contigo/eclipse/cauldron/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ error: cannot find symbol Integer[] tmp = set.toArray(new Integer[set.size()]); "set" being the issue apparently


symbol: variable set location: class OreDictionary /home/travis/build/djoveryde/Contigo/eclipse/cauldron/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ error: cannot find symbol if (ids != null) set.addAll(ids);

Once again "set" being the issue

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Yea, had that come up in my travis as well Then again you need to set your repo, which ill commit now @djoveryde

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Ok cheers, at least were getting there one bug at a time 👍

SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

Потому что в KBootstrap прописан репо от Prok.

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

It will however still error with the abstractmethod, bc it is using Gradle 3.2.1 The version needs to be set to 2.8 to build with success with travis

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

bangs head against the table why did I forget to change the travis repo... stupid me lol

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

@SantaGitHub presuming thats the section in the kbootstrap.pom file that references ""? Presuming that means we somehow need to find an old copy of their kbootstrap git repo?

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Tried finding any trace of the kbootstrap git but seems no one backed it up :-/

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

@CDAGaming Do you reckon we would be able to safely remove kbootstrap from the dependencies?

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Not sure, working on #8 at this time, extending from previous attempt at it by AscII

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

I'll add a new repo for 1.11.2 contigo, at least that way we have a baseline 1.7.10 and then an updated choice to work on

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Yea, i got the basics just let me finish up submodules

SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

Можно пересобрать kbootstrap и указать в нём наши репозитории. Так будет лучше

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Yea that can be done, KBootstrao was also found in SourceForge, so it should just need to be moved to new repo

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

the actual bootstrap file is already on the repo however when it looks for both kbootstrap-0.3.2.jar and Damask-0.1.2.jar, launchwrapper-1.12.jar, it only seems to want to find them locally. Any ideas where we can change this would be to so it looks on the repo instead? Server directory: /home/travis/build/djoveryde/Contigo/build/bundle Downloading pw.prok:KBootstrap:0.3.2... /home/travis/build/djoveryde/Contigo/build/bundle/bin/pw/prok/KBootstrap/0.3.2/KBootstrap-0.3.2.jar (No such file or directory)

All those files exist on the repo. Its like it only wants the files locally

Edit: I think its using the KBootstrap-0.3.2.jar file to get info on grabbing those files. Only issue is I have the compiled file and no sources

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Also I'm currently in progress of making the 1.12.1/Latest Port(Submodules are Proofed for your repos as they use a different linkage

I'll add you as contributor in a bit to help on it(Partially done, can work more on it later)

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

ok so i've managed to convert the jar file although its never gonna recompile again without creating all the build setups.

The actual location its looking is in the pw/prok/bootstrap/ which sits at " this.serverDir = new Option("d", "serverDir", true, "Server root directory");"

If we could add a way so it overwrites the serverdir and enforces it to change to the repo that could work?

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

@CDAGaming @SantaGitHub Removed the other repo. Hopefully we can make this stable and then move onto 1.12 or 1.11.2

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately due to the Submodule issue, we may not be able to do 1.11.2(Unless your willing to either have users download or have Bukkit and forge Submodules in repo at their correct commits/branches. I'd suggest, because of this, to work on 1.12.1 after this

CDAGaming commented 7 years ago

So far, I have the initial work done on it(Besides updating the json files) Edit: Sadly, several build errors so ill wait on it for now

SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

Found an error solution with packageBundle. We need to open all the .pom files on our repository and change the reference to our repository

djoveryde commented 7 years ago

Pretty sure only the kbootstraps pom file has references to the old repo. The others purely mention apache.

SantaGitHub commented 7 years ago

Надо все файлы, которые находятся у тебя на репозитории проверить .pom файлы на наличие ссылки на новый репозиторий

You need all the files that you have on the repository to check the .pom files for a link to the new repository