djphazer / O_C-Phazerville

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MidiIn - Polyphonic Note# may need further tweaking? #32

Open jpbed1 opened 8 months ago

jpbed1 commented 8 months ago

First off...kudos for making the gate output respond properly to polyphonic MIDI input vs. the "stock" Hemi/Benispheres! It is already a lot more functional as a MIDI to CV converter for this very reason. Perhaps we can fix CaptainMIDI too :D

One thing I noticed though was that the Note output is still a little quirky:

Current behavior:

Expected behavior: When there is only one key being held down, and other keys are released (Note Off), the Note CV should be assigned to whatever note is being held, which is not necessarily what note was pressed last.

Let me know your thoughts....JP

djphazer commented 8 months ago

Indeed, it's still not truly polyphonic. It only keeps track of the most recent note and a count of NoteOn's. Eventually it will get more attention, when I tackle a use case that requires real polyphony, such as quantization with MIDI-controlled scale mask. ;)