djphazer / O_C-Phazerville

The kitchen sink of O_C firmware - do all the things!
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branches probability #36

Closed mebitek closed 6 months ago

mebitek commented 6 months ago

Hi, when you cv branches prob abilty the display doesn't show the current value but remains at the one you input via encoder

djphazer commented 6 months ago

Good call! I'll tweak that for better visual feedback.

djphazer commented 6 months ago

Implemented in v1.6.999

The CV input scaling is somewhat different now - before it was going well out of range (143% for example) but you couldn't see it. After rework, +6V will yield +100%; -3V yields -50%; and you can see it.

mebitek commented 6 months ago

just tested the 999 phazerville release and I cannot see the probability changes when I modulate it

djphazer commented 6 months ago

With and without a voltage applied to CV1, I see this: 20231224_022950-COLLAGE.jpg

We're talking about the same applet, Brancher?

mebitek commented 6 months ago

sorry my fault, wrong input!