djphazer / O_C-Phazerville

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posessed O_C - fluctuation voltage on phazerville but calibrateable and stable on Benisphere #53

Closed tastez closed 4 months ago

tastez commented 4 months ago

hi - bizarre question but maybe someone ran into this - i've got an old diy O_C that functions totally fine but after installing Phazerville 1.6.999 or 1.7.0 the outputs are just fluctuating like crazy. I thought its a hardware issue but it ends up stabilizing on the Benisphere Calibration screen and you can calibrate it without issue and everything is great. Once you install phazerville is spazzes out again and calibration screen or process wont make it stabilize. I've installed it on another O_C and there is no fluctuating and I didnt need to calibrate it, but will try. I guess something is stuck somewhere but reboots and reuploads with the teensy hex uploader dont fix it. Weird!

tastez commented 4 months ago

nah this is definitely something with the hardware. somethings failing after a bit or randomly **although going into calibration screen on Benisphere does normalize the voltage. Maybe something on the teensy broke and its not saving calibration .so its possessed at the moment is my conclusion

djphazer commented 4 months ago

Well now I'm curious... is it bad calibration data in EEPROM? You're not using a VOR build, right?

Maybe try doing a full reset on that module. Let me know if you figure it out.