djrieger / mjplusplus

A compiler for the MiniJava language
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Set up automatic documentation generation #22

Closed djrieger closed 9 years ago

djrieger commented 9 years ago


  1. Someone pushes new commits to dev
  2. A hook linking our GitHub repo and tells Travis CI to start building
  3. Travis CI pulls dev, runs doxygen and pushes the resulting documentation to our gh-pages branch


Nidan commented 9 years ago

seems impossible according to @djrieger, all tested providers have too old C++ compilers. Alternative solution: Use one of our own machines (via cronjob etc.)

Nidan commented 9 years ago

I've set up a cronjob to regenerate and push the documentation every hour, given changes in dev. Seems to work, but the first real test will be tomorrow.

djrieger commented 9 years ago
