I am using your package ‘heatrapy’ to do simple 1D Thermal model, and this thread to signal you few bugs. First and foremost, I would like to thank you for implementing it, because boost a fresh implementation of FD approach on python (I come from a different PL), and because it is very handy.
PS: below I would like to share some misprints I found working on your project.
the name of the package maybe is wrong in the presentation page, top left figure here
wrong instance variable attribute name, maybe contact rather than contacts (row 102 within def contactFilter(self,object)
Borders is a tuple, in the example is a list (and written two times?)
The description of single_object is maybe wrong for Q and Q0, the first entry value is the value of the flux per unit volume
Dear Mr. D.J. Silva,
I am using your package ‘heatrapy’ to do simple 1D Thermal model, and this thread to signal you few bugs. First and foremost, I would like to thank you for implementing it, because boost a fresh implementation of FD approach on python (I come from a different PL), and because it is very handy.
PS: below I would like to share some misprints I found working on your project.
Thank you for the comprehension,
Best regards,