djyde / cusdis

lightweight, privacy-friendly alternative to Disqus.
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Height is not being set properly #283

Open sagarnayak opened 1 month ago

sagarnayak commented 1 month ago

I have added the required partials to my layouts/_default/partials

but the height is not being set properly.

{{- /* Comments with */ -}}

<div id="cusdis_thread" data-host="" data-app-id="818a5966-bc74-4"
    data-page-id="{{ .File.UniqueID }}" data-page-url="{{ .Permalink }}" data-page-title="{{ .Title }}">
<script defer src=""></script>
<script async defer src=""></script>

{{- /* Comments area end */ -}}

and in single HTML

    <footer class="post-footer">
        {{/* Comments */}}
        {{- partial "comments.html" . }}
        {{- $tags := .Language.Params.Taxonomies.tag | default "tags" }}
        <ul class="post-tags">
            {{- range ($.GetTerms $tags) }}
            <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li>
            {{- end }}
        {{- if (.Param "ShowPostNavLinks") }}
        {{- partial "post_nav_links.html" . }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- if (and site.Params.ShowShareButtons (ne .Params.disableShare true)) }}
        {{- partial "share_icons.html" . -}}
        {{- end }}

    {{- if (.Param "comments") }}
    {{- partial "comments.html" . }}
    {{- end }}

{{- end }}{{/* end main */}}

what might be the reason? do i have to add some CSS here ?

this is what i see in my blog


this should take the proper required height. instead this is taking a fixed height.

Pseudowang commented 4 days ago

Hi, maybe you can take a look at this issue, Issues#233. I encountered the same problem, and it seems to be related to the iframe. When I switched my Docker image 'djyde/cusdis' to version 1.3.2, everything went back to normal.