dk / Prima
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Error in img/codec_heif.c - line 180 #112

Closed NorbertXYZ closed 4 months ago

NorbertXYZ commented 4 months ago

Compilation broke, because after a "default:" there was missing a "continue;" statement... :-)

Using FreeBSD 13.2 and Prima 1.72

dk commented 4 months ago

Did you check the latest git checkout?

NorbertXYZ commented 4 months ago

No - I took the tar zipped package version 1.72... If it is gone, than okay :-)

NorbertXYZ commented 4 months ago

I checked against the latest from git repository - you are right - and sorry... would it be good to make (also) a new version to download? By the way - I like your Prima :-) Very fast - i am working on a project with it :-) All the best, Norbert

dk commented 4 months ago

Thanks! Prima releases are roughtly 3 months apart, but you can also grab a 1.71 or 1.70 if you need a tarball.