dk / Prima
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multiple failures in t/Image/Bitmap.t #41

Closed d-lamb closed 8 years ago

d-lamb commented 8 years ago

At the current HEAD dc0eb83, I am getting multiple failures in t/Image/Bitmap.t. At version 1.47 these failures are not present. Specifically, make test gives:

t/Image/Bitmaps.t ....... 1/886 panic: no argb visual at /Users/derek/Build/Prima/blib/lib/Prima/ line 367.
panic: no argb visual at /Users/derek/Build/Prima/blib/lib/Prima/ line 367.

#   Failed test 'put 1-bit grayscale image / 8-bit alpha on pixmap'
#   at t/Image/Bitmaps.t line 70.

#   Failed test '1-bit grayscale image / 8-bit alpha on pixmap (1 & 0 ^ 0 == 1)'
#   at t/Image/Bitmaps.t line 29.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '16777215'

and so on until:

Test Summary Report
t/Image/Bitmaps.t     (Wstat: 25600 Tests: 850 Failed: 100)
  Failed tests:  222, 225-227, 230-231, 234-236, 239-240
                243-245, 248-249, 252-254, 257-258, 261-263
                266, 470, 473-475, 478-479, 482-484, 487-488
                491-493, 496-497, 500-502, 505-506, 509-511
                514, 594, 597-599, 602-603, 606-608, 611-612
                615-617, 620-621, 624-626, 629-630, 633-635
                638, 718, 721-723, 726-727, 730-732, 735-736
                739-741, 744-745, 748-750, 753-754, 757-759
  Non-zero exit status: 100
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 886 tests but ran 850.

My platform is Mac OSX Yosemite, Perl 5.22.1 from MacPorts. perl -V attached. perl-V.txt

dk commented 8 years ago

Hi Derek,

Thank you for the report! This is a work in progress, and won't be finished for at least a month, and probably more - I'm adding ARGB support in Prima, and polishing it will take some time. I wasn't expecting though to see so many errors on non-argb setups, and will definitely test on MacOS.

Thank you very much! Dmitry