dk / Prima
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Cannot open include/apricot.h:No such file or directory #85

Closed faraziAnindo closed 1 year ago

faraziAnindo commented 1 year ago

root@a:/home/a/Desktop/BPGA-1.3-linux-x86_64-0-0-0# perl Makefile.PL Version: 1.68 Flavor: linux.x86_64 Build: Prima-1.68-linux.x86_64-5.34.0 Compiler: gcc Checking if can compile... yes Checking if can link... yes Checking if can compile with OpenMP... yes Cannot open include/apricot.h:No such file or directory

Hey @dk thanks for solving the previous problem, this time this new problem raised while running perl Makefile.PL . Thanks in advance

faraziAnindo commented 1 year ago

@dk can you please help

dk commented 1 year ago

If you installed prima with cpan you dont need to build it, it should be already installed and usable

dk commented 1 year ago

closed:not a Prima error