dkanbier / zabbix-elasticsearch

Scripts and Zabbix templates to monitor Elasticsearch
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Template won't import on 3.2 #2

Closed beaudh closed 7 years ago

beaudh commented 7 years ago

When trying to import the template into Zabbix 3.2 I get:

Cannot find value map "ES Cluster State" used for item "ElasticSearch Cluster Status" on "Elastic search Cluster".

beaudh commented 7 years ago

Sorry I RTFM now :)

ramya397 commented 7 years ago

i am also getting same error what is the solution

dkanbier commented 7 years ago

Did you create the value map? It's in the README:

"Before importing the zbx_es_templates.xml file be sure to create a value map called "ES Cluster State" which maps the proper values, like:

0 = Green 1 = Yellow 2 = Red "

Also see:[]=value&s[]=map