dkavolis / Ferram-Aerospace-Research

Aerodynamics model for Kerbal Space Program
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FIle versioning and compatibility for RO #17

Closed raidernick closed 5 years ago

raidernick commented 5 years ago

It seems like we may be using this for RO soon as a replacement for the original FAR. While the latest release you have is ok for downloads on the forum it has a couple of issues I'd like to ask you to fix otherwise we will have to make our own RO repo for FAR releases instead of using this.

The first issue is that you are not updating the far dll verison number it is still on for all of your releases.

The second issue is that RO uses CKAN. We are catching up on our releases for KSP currently and are doing a ksp 1.4.5 release then moving straight to 1.6.x. You HAVE a 1.4.5 release posted as a google drive link inside a 1.5 release. While this is ok for a forum release, it will not work with RO/RSS on CKAN. I would ask that you fix the versioning of your files, make an official 1.4.5 release, then remake a new 1.5.x release with the proper version numbers and then move to 1.6.x...etc...

You can easily accomplish this be changing the epoch in netkan.

dkavolis commented 5 years ago

Regarding dll version, I forgot to update it but will do on all other releases. It also looks like Squad has done a great job at mod compatibility in the last few KSP versions so I can do one release for KSP 1.4-1.6 unless there are bugs I haven't found yet.

raidernick commented 5 years ago

Thank you, this is one of 3 mods that are holding the 1.4.5 release of RO up. I have some control over the other 2 and those will be done soon, this is the final one. I would really appreciate a release that covers all of those versions so I can finally move on with RO/RSS and get it up to date on time from now on.

On a side note your FARForceDataUpdate.cfg is causing mm errors on load, I believe it has to do with the line :FINAL[FerramAerospaceResearch] which should either just be :FINAL or :AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch]

dkavolis commented 5 years ago

Published a release for KSP 1.4-1.6, let me know of any issues. The MM fix is included which I had fixed earlier.

raidernick commented 5 years ago

@dkavolis FAR works fine, modular flight integrator does not. It throws an exception on load on anything that is not 1.5. This prevents FAR from working correctly and also kopernicus

dkavolis commented 5 years ago

I tried both CKAN version and dropping FAR into GameData on KSP 1.4.5 and had no issues with MFI. Can you provide logs?

raidernick commented 5 years ago

It works fine on ckan because ckan will install MFI separately and only the version that is compatible with 1.4.5. The version in your release is marked as 1.5 compatible only, so even if it worked it will complain in both 1.4 and 1.6 that it's incompatible. I have no logs, my game hasn't generated a log file since before 1.2.2. They made some change to the game then and it stopped producing the proper log files.

Dropping FAR in works fine, as long as you don't have kopernicus. It's kopernicus that breaks. If you use the MFI that comes with the 1.4.5 version of kopernicus it works fine, if you overwrite it with the version you have in FAR everything breaks. Kopernicus is locked to the MFI version released with it is the issue.

The kopernicus version to use for 1.4.5 is 1.4.5-4

dkavolis commented 5 years ago

I can add a note for Kopernicus users that they should use MFI bundled with it since Kopernicus is locked to a specific MFI version and only manual installations are affected. Otherwise, what do you suggest on how to proceed?

raidernick commented 5 years ago

I would've personally separated the 1.4.5 and 1.5-1.6 releases into 2 separate ones, but it's too late for that now. Not sure what to do really.