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Lower bound algorithm #5

Closed Isinlor closed 5 years ago

Isinlor commented 6 years ago

Here we can keep track of work related to the lower bound algorithm.

This algorithm is optional.

Just as reminder: lower bound algorithm is an algorithm that produces some non-trivial lower bound on the chromatic number.

Isinlor commented 6 years ago

Exact algorithm from allows to find lower bound.

Another idea based on Wikipedia:

If G contains a clique of size k, then at least k colors are needed to color that clique;

Also from Wikipedia

a clique is a subset of vertices of an undirected graph such that every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent;

From math to human language it would be: If you can find some set of vertices, so that all vertices are connected to all other vertices in that graphs, then this set of vertices is a clique. I guess, as you would expect from the name ;) . It pretty mach follows that because everyone is connected to everyone we will need to color everyone in different color.

The problem is of course how to find clique.

Seeeeeyo commented 5 years ago

With the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm? Here is an explanation of it.

There are a lot of codes of this algorithm online

Isinlor commented 5 years ago

Seems like an useful video: Maximal Cliques(Bron–Kerbosch Algorithm).