dkern / jquery.lazy

A lightweight, fast, feature-rich, powerful and highly configurable delayed content, image and background lazy loading plugin for jQuery & Zepto.
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issue loading the images #196

Closed paolobenve closed 5 years ago

paolobenve commented 5 years ago

I am using Lazy with groups of many (> 100) images, Lazy seems to work , the first images are loaded when scrolling, but sometimes only the images till a certain number number are loaded, the following remain without loading them.

This happens particularly in a leaflet popup: only the first lines of images below the visible part are loaded when scrolling, the other aren't loaded.

It happens in both chromium and firefox


Apparently only the images determined by the default value of threshold are loaded.

The code of one image worked out by Lazy but not loaded:

<div id="popup-img-_f-diocesi-eventi_giun-ingresso_giun_virgo_potens_2019--ingresso_giun_virgo_potens_2019-02-23-17_00_05_jpg_1556911864" class="thumb-and-caption-container popup-img-00444311103666667-000885614966666667" style="width: 250px; margin-right: 7.5px; margin-bottom: 7.5px;">
  <div class="thumb-container" style="width: 250px; height: 250px;">
    <span class="helper"></span>
    <img title="albums/Diocesi/Eventi Giun/Ingresso Giun Virgo Potens 2019/Ingresso Giun Virgo Potens 2019-02-23--17.00.05.jpg" alt="Ingresso Giun Virgo Potens 2019-02-23--17.00.05" data-src="cache/08/1/diocesi-eventi_giun-ingresso_giun_virgo_potens_2019-ingresso_giun_virgo_potens_2019-02-23-17.00.05.jpg-250ts.jpg" src="" class="lazyload-popup-media thumbnail" height="250" width="250" mediahash="#!/_f-diocesi-eventi_giun-ingresso_giun_virgo_potens_2019/ingresso_giun_virgo_potens_2019-02-23-17.00.05.jpg" style="width: 250px; height: 250px;">
  <div class="media-caption">Ingresso</div>

the src attribute has a weird value... what is it? Lazy has put it there!

No error is shown in the console.

Any hint?

paolobenve commented 5 years ago