-CreateShoppingList method
---This method replaces the GetShoppingList method. Can always make a GetShoppingListById method later if needed
-GetAllShoppingLists method
Dependencies (all located in the Sql/Procedures folder, and need to be restored to DB if not present):
-dbo.CreateShoppingList.sql Procedure file
Should be straightforward and shouldn't conflict, besides where the "GetShoppingList" method is currently being used. I suggest if merging that we (from now on) always keep the master branch's .mdf file and logs and use the stored procedure files to restore the DB procedures.
Added: -CreateShoppingList method ---This method replaces the GetShoppingList method. Can always make a GetShoppingListById method later if needed -GetAllShoppingLists method
Dependencies (all located in the Sql/Procedures folder, and need to be restored to DB if not present): -dbo.CreateShoppingList.sql Procedure file -dbo.CreateShoppingListItem.sql -dbo.GetAllShoppingListsAdvanced.sql
Should be straightforward and shouldn't conflict, besides where the "GetShoppingList" method is currently being used. I suggest if merging that we (from now on) always keep the master branch's .mdf file and logs and use the stored procedure files to restore the DB procedures.