dkimitsa / robovm-robopods

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Update robovm version to 2.3.12 #10

Closed mk-5 closed 3 years ago

mk-5 commented 3 years ago

The problem:

AltPods are impossible to use at the moment. There is a problem with peer dependency:


There is no 2.3.12-SNAPSHOT version in sonatype snapshots repository:

Fix proposal:

Update robovm to 2.3.12

dkimitsa commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for pointing. Usually it's not a problem as project have to reference these files anyway (check if you have these added to your gradle file). But the fix will be different. These dependencies will be listed as provided as should not hardcode any specific version and project itself should provide one that are provided by used version of RoboVM. Will update during next deploy, closing this now.