dkjonas / Wavin-AHC-9000-mqtt

Esp8266 mqtt interface for Wavin AHC-9000/Jablotron AC-116
MIT License
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Wavin AHC 9000 Display Collision? #15

Closed joak0068 closed 4 years ago

joak0068 commented 4 years ago

Hi dkjonas,

Thank you for the great work you have been doing. I was able to connect to my wavin controller, and read out all data on my mqtt server - awesome!

However I encountered an issue when connecting the ESP. I have a Display connected to my AHC9000 - which will beep from time to time when ESP is connected, have you seen this issue?

Seems to happen on every poll, but also a bit random. Maybe there's some kind of collision between this display and the ESP?

They are both connected with a RJ45 cable.

Do you have any idea if this can be solved without disconnecting one of them? Any pointers would be great for me to start digging.


BR Joakim

jascdk commented 4 years ago

Hi Joakim :) i Can give you a quick answer - the project does not work when the display is connected . Try disconnect the display and only use this esp project connected instead . The problem is that it shares the connection .

joak0068 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I was thinking if it was colliding somehow. Thank you for the quick answer :) I'll make do without the display then.

jascdk commented 4 years ago

Did you work it out :) ?