dkjonas / Wavin-AHC-9000-mqtt

Esp8266 mqtt interface for Wavin AHC-9000/Jablotron AC-116
MIT License
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Maybe not a issue, Decimal on set temperature #17

Closed Allan3dk closed 2 years ago

Allan3dk commented 4 years ago

On my room sensors I can set the temperature by half degrees, but in the integration I can only set it in full temperatures, have I done something wrong or is it just not possible?

dkjonas commented 4 years ago

Is working fine for me. Are you using HomeAssistant or another software for controlling?

Most likely the temperature is sent with a comma as decimal seperator and not at dot. I think the library functon toFloat() expects a dot. Can you check with mosquitto or an other mqtt client?

hsk-dk commented 4 years ago

i have the same issue, in home assistant "target_temp_step" is set to 1. This can be changed manually, but it would be nice if the default step could be set to 0.5..