dklollol / Olsen-Framework

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[Feature request] AIHearTalking #8

Open perfk opened 10 years ago

perfk commented 10 years ago

A module over the script by Beta and Krause.

//Written by beta and Krause //AI can hear you talk on ACRE //version 2

private ["_nearAI", "_revealAmount", "_sideUnit", "_nearAISingle", "_sideAI", "_sideUnits", "_inContact", "_enemyInContact", "_talkTime"];

_talkTime = 0;

sleep (1 + random(2)); //wait for init

waitUntil { if ((player getVariable "acre_sys_core_isSpeaking") == 1) then { _talkTime = _talkTime + 0.25;

    if (_talkTime >= 2.0) then
        _nearAI = nearestObjects [player, ["Man"], 40];
        _nearAI = _nearAI - [playableUnits];

            if ((alive _x) && (_x knowsAbout player < 1.0) && !(_x knowsAbout player >= 4.0)) then

                _nearAISingle = _x;
                _sideAI = side _nearAISingle;
                _sideUnits = [];
                _inContact = false;

                //AI hears talking
                _revealAmount = 1.0;

                //Command and control checks
                if ( ([weapons _nearAISingle, "ACRE_PRC117F"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) || ([weapons _nearAISingle, "ACRE_PRC119"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) || ([weapons _nearAISingle, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) ||  ([weapons _nearAISingle, "ACRE_PRC152"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) ) then {
                    _revealAmount = _revealAmount + 1.0;
                    //AI has a radio
                        if ((side _x == _sideAI) && !(isplayer _x)) then {
                            _sideUnits = _sideUnits + [_x];
                    foreach allunits;

                        _sideUnit = _x;
                            if ((_sideUnit knowsAbout _x > 2) && (([weapons _sideUnit, "ACRE_PRC117F"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) || ([weapons _sideUnit, "ACRE_PRC119"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) || ([weapons _sideUnit, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio) ||  ([weapons _sideUnit, "ACRE_PRC152"] call acre_api_fnc_hasKindOfRadio))) exitWith {
                                _inContact = true;
                                _revealAmount = _revealAmount + 1.0;
                                //AI has radio link to other troops in contact

                        foreach playableunits;
                    foreach _sideUnits;


                if (!isNull ((leader (group _nearAISingle)) findNearestEnemy (getPos leader (group _nearAISingle)))) then {

                    _enemyInContact = (leader (group _nearAISingle)) findNearestEnemy (getPos leader (group _nearAISingle));

                    if (_enemyInContact distance _nearAISingle < 2000) then {
                        _revealAmount = _revealAmount + 1.0;
                        //AI is already in contact with enemy

                //player sideChat format["%1 hears you, for %2", _x, _revealAmount];
                [0, {(_this select 0) reveal (_this select 1);}, [_nearAISingle, [player, _revealAmount]]] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;
        } forEach _nearAI;
    if (_talkTime > 0) then { _talkTime = 0; };

sleep 0.25;



Legion1 commented 10 years ago