dkogan / feedgnuplot

Tool to plot realtime and stored data from the commandline, using gnuplot.
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Support for milliseconds in timefmt missing #23

Open MatthiasScholz opened 9 years ago

MatthiasScholz commented 9 years ago

The following time format is not usable with feedgnuplot, but it is fully compatible with gnuplot: --timefmt '%H:%M:%3.S' for time like this: 16:02:54.672

The perl script terminates because Time::Piece does not support millisecond in the time formats:

dkogan commented 9 years ago

Yes, this is a know issue unfortunately. Do you know of a perl strptime() implementation that can do sub-second precision?

MatthiasScholz commented 9 years ago

No, unfortunately I am not at all a perl programmer. But at the link it is mentioned to use DateTime::....::strptime. Would it not be easy to adapt to this why of the format description?

dkogan commented 9 years ago

OK, so your time format is not supported by gnuplot or anything else. If you get rid of the "3." then gnuplot can ingest it, but Time::Piece and DateTime::Format::Strptime doesn't take the floating-point value. I have some other ideas, but won't get to them today.

MatthiasScholz commented 9 years ago

Gnuplot itself has no problem with working with this time format.

For the given time: 16:02:54.672 one just needs to configure:  set timefmt '%H:%M:%S' set format x '%H:%M:%.3S'

lalten commented 6 years ago

I'm having this problem. My input comes from moreutils ts with the format %.s (sub-second resolution epoch, looks like 1533312748.419280)

Do you know a solution?

dkogan commented 6 years ago

This is non-standard, and all components would need to be able to work with such nonstandard data. The sticking point currently is Time::Piece and DateTime::Format::Strptime. You can send them patches. I don't have time to work on this right now, unfortunately.