dkoslicki / MetaPalette

Metagenomic profiling and phylogenetic distances via common kmers
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Code just not working #2

Closed jregalad closed 8 years ago

jregalad commented 8 years ago

Very good idea but implementation is not the best. Took me quite a while to get to run. Added some error handling to the subprocess.checkcall() commands. Also, code does not work with new versions of bcalm.

Main bug is with

On line 103 there is a `def form_y(file_name, kmer_size):

cmd = query_per_sequence_binary +" "+ os.path.join(output_folder,file_base_name+"-"+str(kmer_size)+"mers.jf") + " " + os.path.join(data_dir,"Bcalms",file_name+"-30mers.bcalm.fa")

res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = True)

return int(res)`

Why are you returning int(res) when res stores the output of query_per_sequence which is a string (fasta)?

After this code fails because the array Y can not be created.

Hope we can sort this out, Julian

dkoslicki commented 8 years ago

Hi Julian,

I understand the implementation isn’t the best (time/skill/priority constraints), but that is one reason why the Docker container has the --shell command. If you’d like to play with the code pre-installed, use docker run -i -t dkoslicki/metapalette --shell.

There are a number of reasons why I chose not to use the current version of Bcalm (BCALM 2):

  1. It was not out when I implemented the Bcalm portions of the code, and I didn’t have the time to make it work with the new version.
  2. BCALM 2 uses a new, unpublished algorithm that I have not been able to check out yet.
  3. BCALM 2 requires the GATB-CORE which is a rather large package containing all sorts of third-party dependencies, other package requirements, etc. and I wanted to limit these requirements in MetaPalette.
  4. The CLI of BCALM 2 is quite different than BCALM 1, indicating that BCALM 2 is doing a lot more than finding all the simple paths (see point 2 above). BCALM 1 just finds the simple paths, and this is what I needed.

As for the query_per_sequence code, if you take a look at MetaPalette/src/QueryPerSeq/, you will see that the output is indeed an integer (not a string as in I’ve modified the code to return just what I need (the counts). Hence why the readme says to compile this code (and doesn’t point to the Jellyfish repository).

As for the bugs you found, I would appreciate a pull request if you would like to contribute your fixes. Otherwise feel free to let me know what the other main issues with were and I can see if I can resolve them.
