dkrivoruchko / ScreenStream

ScreenStream Android App
MIT License
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Locking down Advanced settings (and additonal warnings/confirmation dialogs) #220

Closed wqp53625 closed 4 months ago

wqp53625 commented 1 year ago

Hi @dkrivoruchko ,

Thanks a lot for this useful app.

The default values of ScreenStream's Advanced settings are chosen well.

But it seems to be too easy to change the Advanced settings.

By default, Use WiFi Only is enabled and IPv6 Support is disabled.

This helps preventing the screen streaming to the public Internet.

If a user disables the Use WiFi Only option and enables the IPv6 Support option, the screen would be streamed over a potentially publicly accessible IPv6 address (due to IPv6 usually not using NAT) and it would also be streamed over the WAN (4G/5G) interface (i.e. over the potentially public IP address of the WAN (4G/5G) interface).

Most users probably would not want to cast the screen to the public Internet. Most users probably never want the stream to leave the private network.

Therefore it would be appreciated if the Advanced settings would be locked down in some way and additional warnings could be implemented for those settings.

Perhaps accessing the Advanced settings could be secured via the Android screen lock authentication, so that users would need to authenticate before accessing the Advanced settings. And/or perhaps additional warning pop-us and/or confirmation dialogs could be implemented for those settings, so that a user would need to acknowledge the warning/confirmation before being able to alter the Advanced settings.

This would reduce the likelihood that users accidentally change the default values.
