dl9rdz / rdz_ttgo_sonde

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Prevent OLED from burn in #296

Open HelmiBeh opened 2 years ago

HelmiBeh commented 2 years ago

After some month of operation, some of the OLED shows burn in effects, if the same text is displayed with high brightness. To prevent this, it should be possible to lower brightness or the display is inverted after a couple of hours.

dl9rdz commented 2 years ago

The latest devel version allows turning off the display automatically after some time (on by button press or when a new sonde is received). This might already help....

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

@dl9rdz a few days ago I noticed that (at least on latest devel release) that in this case screen just stops updating, but the content is retained. Maybe it needs to be blanked first? I'm running T-beam with SH1106 (1,3") screen.

dl9rdz commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I cannot reproduce this (on my default v2 board with on-board 0.96" screen).

Also the code has a single code path that calls a function to clear the display and then enters "display is off" mode. So this should work...

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

I think I can try with 0.96" display as well - I have one board with "press-fitted" display, which I did not solder in yet. If it works in that configuration, I'll dig into the code to see what might be the cause.

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

Okay. I double checked with SSD1306 and with it blanking works just fine, regardless of display type setting (0/2). For SH1106 it doesn't - my guess is that SH1106 uses different command for blanking. I'll check that and possibly open a PR with fix.

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

@dl9rdz I figured it out, please see #328. Bumping the display library fixes the issue. Edit: Well, I thought I had, but using shorter delay for testing caused a mistake. If I reduce delay to 60 seconds, it works, if I set delay to 300 seconds (configuration value = 3002), the display just freezes.

mmadela commented 1 year ago

I've noticed the same, the fix is pretty simple char dispstate; into int dispstate; also when IP changes the display shows the new IP endless add sonde.dispsavectlON(); after // update IP in display

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

@mmadela yeah, this would make total sense, as 300 seconds is over 255, the range of char - also - wouldn't unsigned type be better here? Would you mind opening a PR with the fix? I can cobble one up as well.

dl9rdz commented 1 year ago

I can fix that directly, no need for a pull request. (I am travelling right now and no TTGO with me, so doing this without testing, but its just a small change so I take that risk ... travis is building...)

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

@dl9rdz I can confirm, the fix works.

JDat commented 11 months ago

Why not to implement burn in protection in similar way as it implemented on Sennheiser Wireless microphones,rack mount receivers, who are working 24/7? They simply shift whole screen by 1-3 pixels to random position from time to time. For example: At the beginning screen drawing start position is (0,0) after 3 minutes is on position (1,1) then (2,2), then again (0,0).

OK1FWG commented 2 months ago

A quite older post, but in the latest dvelopment version (20240419) I am not able to wake up the display using the buttons on my TTGO-T-Beam V1.1. I assume they are mapped to appropriate IO pins, but still not working. I've set the screen saver to protect the OLED, this is working, but can't wake it up whne not receiving anything. Anyway, excellent project. One binary for my both modules used, the TTGO-T-Beam and LoRa32 v2! Thanks.

dl9rdz commented 2 months ago

I'll have to check this (next week when I have access to a TTGO), but there have not been any changes to the code for that part. The buttons are working to change the display or frequency as long as the screen saver is not on?