good evening, small question, is there a possibility for the ip address of my TTGO of my car, not to overlap between the address of my box and my telephone, the last 2 digits remain visible on the screen and they are added to the new ip address, when I go from the box to the phone and from the phone to the box = to finish at
what would be the solution, thanks.
Never tested that with changing IP addresses :)
You can specify the width of the output in screens.txt
Repliace "7,5=n" with something like "7,5,15=n"
(adjust the 15 such that it is as wide as necessary, but still within the screen)
good evening, small question, is there a possibility for the ip address of my TTGO of my car, not to overlap between the address of my box and my telephone, the last 2 digits remain visible on the screen and they are added to the new ip address, when I go from the box to the phone and from the phone to the box = to finish at what would be the solution, thanks.