dlab-berkeley / Python-Machine-Learning

D-Lab's 6 hour introduction to machine learning in Python. Learn how to perform classification, regression, clustering, and do model selection using scikit-learn in Python.
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Re-organize and simplify slides #11

Closed emilygrabowski closed 3 years ago

emilygrabowski commented 3 years ago

Since the slides are organized into distinct sections, I think that inserting headers in the slides to prompt the instructor and students when it is time to go to a notebook (and vice versa in the notebooks) will help the materials stand on their own more easily.

Also, I would suggest simplifying the slides, especially in the model evaluation section. Many of these topics are covered in the individual notebooks, and I would suggest focusing on higher-level/ abstract discussion of model evaluation, rather than specific metrics, perhaps also including mention of the role of researcher interpretation on model evaluation.