D-Lab's 4 part, 8 hour introduction to R Fundamentals. Learn how to create variables and functions, manipulate data frames, make visualizations, use control flow structures, and more, using R in RStudio.
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Part 2 - potentially add data frame indexing example #43
Line 317: notebook currently mentions that you can use numeric indexing with the [row,column] format to subset a dataframe, but doesn't show any examples of what this looks like. Recommend adding in a code chunk that gives a few examples, which could look something like:
# extract the first value of the first column
# extract the entire first row
# extract the entire third column
Line 317: notebook currently mentions that you can use numeric indexing with the [row,column] format to subset a dataframe, but doesn't show any examples of what this looks like. Recommend adding in a code chunk that gives a few examples, which could look something like: