dlandon / unassigned.devices

Unassigned Devices plugin for unRAID
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Mounting ISO types other than CD/iso9660 #14

Closed cyberdudedk closed 7 years ago

cyberdudedk commented 7 years ago

I had a problem mounting NTFS iso's created by either dd/qemu-img. After reading logs and researching I found that unassigned-devices mount the ISO's using "-t iso9660". This means it only mounts CD Iso's and feels a bit limiting.

I'm wanting to mount ISO's created from old HDD's so I can get rid of old HDD's and migrate/move data to the unRaid array at will, other use cases might occur.

I found that by manually (via SSH) mounting the iso using "-t ntfs" and then setting up the .conf and smb-extra conf that everything worked well. After that I also found that removing the -t parameter altogether would allow mount to mount it no matter what type it is.

Help from mount: -t, --types limit the set of filesystem types

Hence, the -t is a limiter. Removing -t allows me to mount any iso type. NTFS, FAT, CD, etc.

Fix would be to remove "-t iso9660" from /include/lib.php:958

This would be awesome.

Edit: If you don't find it acceptable to leave out the filter (I don't see a reason why that should be), but an alternative could be to let the user select a type from a dropdown when selecting the iso. This should be sent with the $info array and could then be used in place of the hardcoded -t iso9660.

dlandon commented 7 years ago
